buntu. develop you

Develop YOU

Ideate and create YOUR strategy and formula.

Get to the Edges to Reimagine the Refreshingly Possible.

Who is it for. . . ?

Designed for those who know that there is more to have, do and become.
If YOU are a business or brand looking for ways to show up differently with new perspectives, creative insights and nuanced approaches.
Someone who is looking for clever, pattern interruptive strategies and formulation to maximise your impact, then this is for YOU.

What exactly is it. . . ?

Creative discussions on YOUR state of play.
We get YOU to the Edges to Reimagine the Refreshingly Possible.
Explore the pain point, resolution and possible CTA ( call to action ) for inspiration.
Clarification and define YOUR P.O.D ( point of difference )
Evaluate YOUR audience and ensure the fit.
Ideate and create YOUR strategy and formula.
Collaborate with YOU on new perspectives, creative insights and nuanced approaches to maximise your contribution.
We unpack, unwind and relook at all the angles of what sets you apart before we take things up a notch.
In short help YOU think of the things YOU have not thought of yet.

Why does it matter. . . ?

Clever, pattern interruptive strategy and formulation gets ATTENTION.
Helping YOU become what people are interested in.
Enhancing and leveraging your offline and online reputation BUILDS trust to maximise Customer Lifetime Value.

How do we do it. . . ?

Everything begins with a chat and a story, then on to . . .
3 x 90 minute ‘personal sessions’ via zoom.
3 x rounds of creative and strategy review and ideation.
This is an approximate 6 week program.
As always buntu. recognises that life can get in the way, so this is flexible.